
The blog of

Thu June 23, 2022 The Anderson List: Now available on

Roughly twenty years ago, Paul B. Anderson released a gallery of 324 map projections into the Public Domain, provided as “B/W PDF Graphics Optimized for 'PRINTING' from the Browser”. Since then, the Anderson List has been available at various sources on the web, but always vanished again some time later.

Recently, it happened again, and now I’ve had it.
Henceforth, the Anderson List is available at, and I plan to keep it there as long as my website will be up and running.

Please note that I’ve applied no changes at all to Mr. Anderson’s work (except for a brief comment), neither to the graphics, nor to the source code. This means that it might not behave well on mobile devices, there may be broken links as well. In the course of time I maybe will update the source code, but most likely I will not change (or extend) his list of graphics.
I just want to keep it available as-is.

Enjoy his wonderful work, and –
Thanks a lot, Mr. Anderson! 🙏

P.S.: And Happy Birthday to you, T.H.! 😁


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